We will be closed on Saturday July 1 for Canada Day. We have opened in the past and it has always been very slow. If anyone would like to come in and manage some Open gym just let me know and I will put it on the schedule. We will also have limited hours on the Monday July 3 where the holiday is observed.
Another nutrition tip this week. Many people have trouble eating healthy meals due to being present in situations where there is no healthy food. Maybe its buying food at work, eating food on the road due to lack of time, or ordering meals from Uber Eats. That is a very easy problem to learn to work around. Simply perform some meal prep. Cook a couple days worth of food on sundays and put them in some tupperwear. Grab a lunch kit, and bring them with you when you are out of the hous. This sounds incredibly simple, but you will be amazed the difference it makes. Even trying to eat healthy at restaurants is very difficult as most commercially prepared food has tons of extra calories compared to what you could make on your own. If you have ever been around the gym at 12 or 5 you have seen me eating from my tupperwear. I eat the same meals every day of the work week. This makes compliance easier and also makes it easier to hit the daily protein goals.
You don't even need to know how to cook, you can make basic stuff like a chicken caesar salad, trust me, my 9 year old has figured it out. If not, google is your friend, you can find tons of basic healthy high protein recipes online.
A) 4 Sets:
Landmine Romanian Deadlift x 12-15 Reps
Single Arm Dumbbell Curtsy Lunge x 10-12 Reps/Leg
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
B) 25 Cal Row/Bike
100 Double Unders/Skips
30 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
50 Box Step Overs
30 Kettlebell Swings
100 Double Unders
25 Calorie Row
Time Cap: 15 Minutes